Okayy i'm finally back with a proper post.
Not like the past posts, so incomplete.
As i'm tying this post out, i'm eating my breakfast at the same time.
Wonder what am i having?
I'm having pineapple tart.
Mummy moster is being so busy with her work stuff and ask me to fry nuggets,chicken seaweed & etc.
I'm lazy to fry all those foods.
Okay back to where i want to start.
How your chinese new year?
My is so poor thing.
First Day
We went to cik bibah house to collect the foods to bring to my 1st aunt house.
I hate him on that morning.
Reached my aunt house most of my aunt & uncles are already there.
Greeted them like usual.
"Happy New Year" "Gong Xi Fa Cai"
When recieving the ang paos,
"Zhu Ni Shen Ti Jian Kang" to my smaller cousins "Xue Ye Jing Bu"
To myself too "XUE YE YI DING YAO JING BU "
Went to have my lunch and parents chat with parents.
When they finish we went to the second house at Holland V.
My mum's mum's sister's son house.
Can't stay long there mum & dad had worked.
After that house we went stright to Dad's warehouse.
Changed car and went home.
Mum got changed and both of us went to Bukit panjang.
Open the perlamin and went back home.
Second Day
Planned to go to my grandaunt house but cancel due to some reason.
So switched on the laptop and chatted the whole day.
I had fun disturbing Nabil.
"So LONG nabil"
"HI heman(:"
i had so many things to say but ended up sleeping.
In the night, Wardah came up to update her ipod.
We had fun.
Crazy Us.
I almost broke into tears cause of NADIA
I'll tell you what happen in the night.
Its only half a day at the moment i'm typing this.
Life is so bored.
I want to go out with HIM.
I want to be in a picture with HIM.
I want to be HIS partner.
I want to be HIS.
I guess i'll have to wait.
CB bogger is having probs uploading my damm pictures.
I shall use flickr then.
hais.!waste time.

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